虽然只是短短的20分钟上班时间,但是和她在一起就非常开心,有说有笑,心情就会变得很好。她今天又要很忙了,Good Luck!
虽然只是短短的20分钟上班时间,但是和她在一起就非常开心,有说有笑,心情就会变得很好。她今天又要很忙了,Good Luck!
可能是由于工作或身体的原因,她好像这几天比较累,心情也比较烦躁,唉,帮不上她的忙真是让我郁闷啊。。。今天回去,明天送她上班,我尽我所能多关心关心她吧,希望她心情能好一点 🙂
工作归工作,生活归生活,Enjoy Life!
有时候不得不承认,我还算是个感情比较细腻的人(汗)。很多时候做事情的时候会考虑下别人会怎么看,所以可能会给别人的感觉就是太在意别人的看法 了,没有"be myself"。well, i don’t think it’s quite right. 我想作为一个好男人的话,一定是要体谅对方,为对方着想的,当然这是在不丢失自我的同时,如果过分了,那就会迷失自我,我想我不会的,哈哈,这样就太傻 了。。。
Yesterday was the first time i dated her. Most of the time, we read books together because she’s preparing the CPA certification test in September.
Well, i have to admit that we didn’t have a good efficiency in reading, only 50% as usual( according her statistics ). But i do enjoy reading books with her, she looks so cute while concentrating on her books. yes, that’s one of the reasons i love her – EARNEST.
In the night i did something that maybe embarrassed her… i feel sorry for this, maybe i got over excited… hope she could forgive me. i promise that i’ll love her all along, make her happy, ever. ( for the make up, i’m gonna give her a surprise this weekend :) )
Today, she leant on my shoulder when we took a car to work, just like a babe girl 😀 . I like that feeling!